Written Words: A communicator's blog

To human, and dog kindness

It started as a normal day. In the afternoon, I took Daisy to the dog park, where she romped around with a dozen other dogs as the dog servants and poop-scoopers chatted. From time to time, a whirl of dogs would eddy around my legs, then whirl away. Then it happened: something or somethings collided […]

Word to resist of the month: concentration

Five companies control more than 80 percent of Canada’s grocery/food market. Five companies dominate global high technology.  Three social media companies have destroyed traditional media and now dominate news and social discourse. Not to mention spreading misinformation. The United States has the largest military in the world—more than the next 10 countries combined. The next […]

Cover of book, "The Devils' Alliance: Hitler's Pact with Stalin, 1939-1940," by Roger Moorhouse.

I am trying my hand at producing videos for YouTube to promote my podcast, Beyond Barbarossa. For an upcoming episode, I recorded a Zoom interview with Roger Moorhouse, author of seven books on the Second World War. We talked about one of them, The Devils’ Alliance: Hitler’s Pact with Stalin, 1939–1941, and about its subject, […]

In memoriam: A special reading of a soldier's story

In honour of Remembrance Day, also called Veterans’ Day and Armistice Day, here is an excerpt, part of a World War II soldier’s account of the reality of being a prisoner of the nazis. This excerpt came from Army of Worn Soles: Volume 1 of the Eastern Front Trilogy, the true story of a Canadian […]

The Bones of the Earth cover

All month, The Bones of the Earth eBook is on sale for just 99 cents. Save until Hallowe’en night! Get it from: And next month, another of my books will be on sale. Which one? Come back here on 1 November 2024 to find out!

3 formats for Bombing Hitler's Hometown book

A review of Bombing Hitler’s Hometown by Mike Croissant On 25 April 1945, some 700 bombers and fighter escort airplanes from the US 15th Air Force took to the predawn air in southern Italy. Their target: Linz, Austria, the town where Adolf Hitler grew up. But more importantly for the airmen, Linz was their number […]

Guy Fawkes mask

April 1, 2024 MOSCOW AND OTTAWA (Rooters/APPI) Simultaneous announcements from two widely spaced cities have rocked the political and cultural world. Pierre Poilievre, leader of the Canadian Loyal Opposition, has admitted that he chose his name specifically to make English speakers wonder, “Am I pronouncing this correctly?” and that when not whining in Parliament or […]