Back to the beginning

Photo via NewsbiePix (creative commons)
The book launch tour comes to an end at the blog where it all began two weeks ago.

It’s been a whirlwind—well, a virtual one, anyway. Keeping up with the daily posts, as 15 different bloggers posted excerpts from the book, checking the page for the comments and entries to the giveaway.

I have said it before, but I will repeat: thank you all for your support—all the busy people who posted the excerpts, left comments and sent encouragement.

Now, to be completely honest, the pick-up on the giveaway contest wasn’t what I hoped it would be. While I appreciate those who did leave comments, there were not many of you.

So, here’s one more chance at winning a signed paperback. All you have to do is visit the blogs who participated in the tour, scroll to the end of the excerpt, past the blurb about the book, past my brief biographical note, and you’ll find a one-word clue. Write it down. Then go to the next blog on the tour and collect the clue there.

When you have all 15, unscramble them into a sentence. Leave the sentence in the Comments section below, and make sure you sign in so that I know who you are. I’ll draw the winner’s name from a hat (or maybe a mug or a bowl) and send a signed copy of the paperback PLUS a $50 Amazon gift card.

And tell your friends about it!

The blogs

Dawn Torrens’ My Books& I… 
Gary Henry’s Honest Indie

Cinta Garcia de la Rosa’s Indie Authors You Want to Read

Frederick Lee Brooke’s Author Unplugged

RS Guthrie’s Rob onWriting

Rebekah Lynn’s Books blog

Michael Lorde’s Fantastical Reads

BestSelling Reads’ Focus Friday

Wodke Hawkinson’s Find a Good Book to Read blog

Michelle Chiapetta’s Chipper Muse

Gae-Lynn Woods’ TheBig Heat

Good luck!